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Sunday 3 July 2011

arideinwoods images walls photos picture stills history

This time the murder was in the community of Sipe Springs; it occurred about the first of August in 1881, and it was over a woman.

William Woods was a suitor of Fred Paine’s daughter, and had been for a while, when her father told him he was not to see his daughter again. However, a few days later the couple went for a ride in Woods’ buggy without Paine’ knowledge.

As will happen, the older man heard of the ride and loaded with his shotgun, he went to the Woods’ home in search of William whose father was at home, but William was not there.

Paine then traveled into the town of Sipe Springs where through a window he spied Woods inside a bakery. Paine rode up to the window, supposedly spewing curses at Woods, and shot through the window.

William Woods was shot in the forehead, leaving him a gruesome corpse within a matter of seconds. Paine left the scene, and when Deputy Sherill arrived in the town some hours later, the murderer was long gone.

Woods’ family immediately poste


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